Standard tips for making the Care Giving Experience Smoother

A list of standard tips for building the day-to-day care giving experience smoother for you and your loved one.


  • Motivate independence. Be a assistant rather than a doer. Even when you can easily do things quicker or better, motivate him/her to utilize the skills he/she still possess. Capabilities that aren’t utilized may get weaker or completely lost.
  • Personal care (dressing, bathing, eating, using the toilet) is private. Everyone does these activities in different ways. Consider applying the same routines the individual is used to.
  • Be flexible. The individual may not want a regular bath. They may possibly desire some small snacks instead of three larger meals daily.
  • Split activities into tinier steps. If he is unable to shave on his own because his hand is unsteady, let him use the foam and wash off with a towel after he’s shaved.
  • Search for devices or tools that maximize independence. For an unsteady individual, long tongs or reachers make it convenient to pick items up from the floor. It’s viable to peel potatoes with one hand by utilizing a unique board along with a nail sticking up to anchor the potato. Some good publications will provide you numerous tips. Call your nearby Sears store or J.C. Penney’s store and inquire for the home health list.
  • Always praise them for trying. Particularly when a person’s capabilities are minimal, a sincere “well-done” is always valued.
  • Start thinking about getting skilled assistance to learn better ways to assist the individual. Nurses, home healthcare aides, physical, occupational and vocal therapists are skilled to educate family members about how to give care at home.

For any assistance related to home health care or adult day care services contact Path of Life Assisted Living Community, West palm beach florida.

Standard tips for making the Care Giving Experience Smoother